[QUOTE=HvdHeuvel;53052]Hi Maic,
The machine was registered before, but fails to register on another attempt now you try to re-register ?
Is that correct ?
What (exact) SLE version is this ?
Can you allow this server to register directly to SCC w/o your proxy interfering ?
Can you sent me a direct email to “hvdheuvel [at] suse [dot] com” and provide me with your SLE registration code and the email address used for registration ?
I can try and check the SCC back-end for you, but fear this is an issue with your proxy
Best regards
Hi Hans,
I am glad to hear from you, as an employee from SUSE.
You are right, this server was registered sometimes before.
It is fresh installed with SLES 12.
[COLOR=#ff0000]uname âa[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]Linux test 4.4.21-69-default #1 SMP Tue Oct 25 10:58:20 UTC 2016 (9464f67) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[COLOR=#ff0000]cat /etc/issue[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).
Because you think about a problem with our proxy, I tried to get the error messages again.
In the past we saw, that the command was going through the proxy.
I tried
[COLOR=#ff0000]SUSEConnect -r 12345678901234 -e maic@example.de -u https://scc.suse.com -debug[/COLOR]
and got the following error.
SUSEConnect error: SUSE::Connect::CannotBuildBasicAuth: Cannot read username and password from /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials[/COLOR]
It´s the same like the one in my first post!
After that I looked again to the explanation oft he SUSEConnect command and tried
[COLOR=#ff0000]SUSEConnect -r 12345678901234 -e maic@example.de -u https://scc.suse.com –debug[/COLOR]
Now I get a lot of data until the end with
[COLOR=#0000ff]Output: ‘Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP2_x86_64’.
Adding repository ‘SLES12-SP2-Source-Pool’ […done]
Adding repository ‘SLES12-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool’ […done]
Adding repository ‘SLES12-SP2-Pool’ […done]
Adding repository ‘SLES12-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates’ […done]
Adding repository ‘SLES12-SP2-Updates’ […done]
Specified services have been refreshed.’
Registered SLES 12.2 x86_64
To server: https://scc.suse.com
Using E-Mail: maic@example.de[/COLOR]
So I got the registration finished.
I don´t understand, why the wrong option gives a misleading error message.
It does´t matter at all, because I got updates now.
Thanks a lot to all of you, who tried to help me.
Have a great time.