SES 6 deployment creates RGW-clients twice to configuration

I’m deploying a production cluster for a customer. I’ve configured RGW-clients to /srv/salt/ceph/configuration/files/rgw.conf, but If I rerun stage 3 the RGW-client config shows up double in the ceph.conf.
Is there a way to prevent this somehow?
Regards -O

although I’ve been using it for SES 5.5 it should be applicable to SES 6, too:

master:~ # cat /srv/salt/ceph/configuration/files/ceph.conf.d/rgw.conf
{% set zone="data" if host == "host7" else "meta" %} 
[client.rgw.{{ zone }}]
rgw frontends = "civetweb port=7480"
rgw dns name = {{ host }}
rgw enable usage log = true
rgw zone = {{ zone }}

This is the resulting ceph.conf:

rgw frontends = "civetweb port=7480"
rgw dns name = host7
rgw enable usage log = true
rgw zone = data  

rgw frontends = "civetweb port=7480"
rgw dns name = host8
rgw enable usage log = true
rgw zone = meta