Shibboleth configuration problems, client timeout in the logs

Really close to getting shibboleth enabled but I’m running into problems after filling out the access control form and clicking on the test button. I get directed to my IdP, I log in and get sent back to rancher but after a long wait, the main page shows up in the test pop up and I see the following messages in the rancher docker logs:

time=“2017-11-10T17:23:13Z” level=error msg="HandleSAMLPost: Error doing POST /v1/token: Post https:///v1/token: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), data: map[commonName:[redacted] eduPersonPrincipalName:[redacted] eduPersonScopedAffiliation:[redacted] mail:[redacted] uid:[redacted]]"
time=“2017-11-10T17:23:13Z” level=error msg=“GetSamlAuthToken failed to Get token from cattle with error Post https:///v1/token: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)”

On the page where I clicked the button I see “Shibboleth access was not authorized”.

I’m using Shibboleth 3.3.2 for our IdP. Rancher is running behind a nginx proxy providing tls termination.