SLES 12.5 ESXi to HyperV convertion - Grub Splash Screen Loads, NO Disk boot

Hello all, as many of you have faced, it’s time for us to Move away from ESXi and towards hyperV given the issues with Broadcom and licensing. I have migrated ALL of my VMs to HyperV and or Azure, and only have a SLES 12.5 Server with 2 disks left (/deb/sda1, /dev/sdb1), but I am having issues. I have tried migrating the SLES 12.5 Server with the Starwind convertor (Which can literally migrate ANY vm to any other hypervisor, and has worked with every other machine I have) from ESXi to HyperV. Once migrated the Grub BOOT splash screen came up and then I am presented with this screen forever:
(Esentially from what I can tell the disk is not detected)
a start job is running for dev-disk-by\xxxxxxxxx

So I thought to myself, maybe something went wrong with the conversion. So grabbed Acronis True image and imaged both of the Sles 12.5 HDDs (OS and DATA), then built a new HyperV VM. and imaged the virtual drives with the Acronis backups to the appropriate drives. The same scenario played out, and I was presented with the GRUB Splash/boot screen, I can attempt the boot but /dev/sda1 is not detected, same screen above after grub boot.

In both scenarios Grub appears, I can choose the boot option, but then I get the message above. If I check the UUID’s with blkid, I can see the UUIDs for both drives, and they correctly match in fstab

Is there another way to check if the drives UUID truly is what’s being reported by blkid? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Here is EVERYTHING I have tried Thus far over the last week:

  • Converted the whole machine (Failed to boot)
  • Built a new clean VM and attached the disks to the new clean VM (did not boot, same result see grub menu but no disks boot)
  • Tried using different cloning methods for the disks, and then attached them to a new VM (Same boot result, I see grub menu but no disks boot)
  • Tried edting fstab, to have the disk boot from the new UUID (Same result, see grub menu but disks will not boot)
  • Tried editing /etc/fstab to boot from LABEL ROOT (Same result, /dev/sda1 will not boot, only see grub menu)
  • Used the SuperGrub rescue disk, to see if I could detect grub.cfg (I can) and then edited the entried to try and boot from the new UUID (Same situation, /dev/sda1 does not boot)
  • Used the Super Grub disk to detect grub.cfg and edited the entries to boot from root=LABEL=ROOT (Same result, the I it tries, but cannot boot from /dev/sda1

It should be noted that the original ESXi VM I am trying to convert is healthy, and happily boots, in fact it is running again right now. So this is all perplexing to me.

to me it seems like if the drive was NOT detected, I wouldn’t even see GRUB, so I am perplexed on this one, and looking for ideas or Guidence.

Hmm, I think I found my answer in this forum: