[SuMa3.2] Where does System State Packages come from ?

Hi, i have a list of Software Packages in SuMa3.2 under

There is a list of Software to install and one Package is wrong and cannot be installed.
I want to remove this Packages cause no autoyast install is sucessful with this wrong entry.
Where does this request come from ?
Regards OL


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I think this is a “release” package. When you add a software channel we look for packages in the channel which contains a “product”.
These packages were added to the package states automatically. This happens to correctly display results from the subscription-matcher.

We take “provides” of other release packages into account, but we had some bugs there in the past which should be fixed.
But a fix only pevent these things in future. If a state contains already a wrong package it will not be fixed automatically.

This is actually a salt state related to the packages.
We had an issue with sles-release and the countepart for SLES for SAP and this prevented applying high states , or even dist upgrade.
The workaround is to set “sles-release” for sap-based SLES to “unmanaged”.

This kind of issue should be fixed in the updates, but we haven’t updated yet …