i want to create the SUSE Manager tools repository.
If I execute the command on cli I get the errors:
Enter product label: SLE-12-SP1-x86_64
Creating bootstrap repo for SLE-12-SP1-x86_64
copy ‘dbus-1-python-1.2.0-4.194.x86_64’
copy ‘libcurl4-7.37.0-36.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libgudev-1_0-0-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘libnl1-1.1.4-4.21.x86_64’
copy ‘libsqlite3-0-’
copy ‘libudev1-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘udev-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘python-libxml2-2.9.1-26.3.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libzypp-15.24.2-42.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-2.7.13-27.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-cffi-1.1.0-2.2.2.x86_64’
copy ‘python-cryptography-1.1.2-3.5.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-dmidecode-3.12.1-11.5.x86_64’
copy ‘python-gobject2-2.28.6-24.80.x86_64’
copy ‘python-pyasn1-0.1.8-1.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-pycparser-2.10-3.7.noarch’
copy ‘python-pyOpenSSL-0.14-1.7.noarch’
copy ‘python-six-1.9.0-9.7.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-xml-2.7.13-27.1.x86_64’
copy ‘rpm-python-4.11.2-15.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libsolv-tools-0.6.26-2.39.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libslang2-2.2.4-9.7.x86_64’
copy ‘zypp-plugin-python-0.5-1.1.x86_64’
copy ‘zypper-1.12.50-40.3.x86_64’
copy ‘yast2-packager-’
copy ‘yast2-pkg-bindings-’
copy ‘python-requests-2.8.1-6.9.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-simplejson-3.3.1-1.45.x86_64’
copy ‘libgio-2_0-0-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘libgthread-2_0-0-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘shared-mime-info-1.2-7.1.x86_64’
copy ‘gio-branding-SLE-12-6.9.noarch’
copy ‘wallpaper-branding-SLE-12-11.3.1.noarch’
copy ‘glib2-tools-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘libelf0-0.8.13-18.64.x86_64’
copy ‘logrotate-3.8.7-3.21.x86_64’
copy ‘cron-4.2-58.3.x86_64’
copy ‘cronie-1.4.11-58.3.x86_64’
copy ‘libyui-ncurses-pkg7-2.48.2-1.2.x86_64’
copy ‘libyui-qt-pkg7-2.45.5-1.4.x86_64’
copy ‘python-enum34-1.1.3-7.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-idna-2.0-1.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-ipaddress-1.0.14-1.1.noarch’
Spawning worker 0 with 22 pkgs
Spawning worker 1 with 21 pkgs
Workers Finished
Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata
ERROR: package ‘hwdata’ not found
ERROR: package ‘libnewt0_52’ not found
ERROR: package ‘newt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-ethtool’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-gudev’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-hwdata’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-newt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘rhnlib’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-check’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-client-setup’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-client-tools’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalksd’ not found
ERROR: package ‘suseRegisterInfo’ not found
ERROR: package ‘zypp-plugin-spacewalk’ not found
ERROR: package ‘libzmq3’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-backports.ssl_match_hostname’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-futures’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-Jinja2’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-MarkupSafe’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-msgpack-python’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-psutil’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-pycrypto’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-PyYAML’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-pyzmq’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-tornado’ not found
ERROR: package ‘salt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘salt-minion’ not found
Care to share the exact SUSE Manager version/patch you are on? I Presume
you are running this no the SUSE Manager box, but could you share the
exact command you are using as well? Is this the first repository you
have created this way, or have you done this before? What repositories
does this box have enabled for its own user (zypper lr -u)?
Good luck.
If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
show your appreciation and click on the star below.
If you want to send me a private message, please let me know in the
forum as I do not use the web interface often.
i want to create the SUSE Manager tools repository.
If I execute the command on cli I get the errors:
Enter product label: SLE-12-SP1-x86_64
Creating bootstrap repo for SLE-12-SP1-x86_64
copy ‘dbus-1-python-1.2.0-4.194.x86_64’
copy ‘libcurl4-7.37.0-36.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libgudev-1_0-0-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘libnl1-1.1.4-4.21.x86_64’
copy ‘libsqlite3-0-’
copy ‘libudev1-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘udev-210-116.6.6.x86_64’
copy ‘python-libxml2-2.9.1-26.3.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libzypp-15.24.2-42.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-2.7.13-27.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-cffi-1.1.0-2.2.2.x86_64’
copy ‘python-cryptography-1.1.2-3.5.1.x86_64’
copy ‘python-dmidecode-3.12.1-11.5.x86_64’
copy ‘python-gobject2-2.28.6-24.80.x86_64’
copy ‘python-pyasn1-0.1.8-1.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-pycparser-2.10-3.7.noarch’
copy ‘python-pyOpenSSL-0.14-1.7.noarch’
copy ‘python-six-1.9.0-9.7.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-xml-2.7.13-27.1.x86_64’
copy ‘rpm-python-4.11.2-15.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libsolv-tools-0.6.26-2.39.1.x86_64’
copy ‘libslang2-2.2.4-9.7.x86_64’
copy ‘zypp-plugin-python-0.5-1.1.x86_64’
copy ‘zypper-1.12.50-40.3.x86_64’
copy ‘yast2-packager-’
copy ‘yast2-pkg-bindings-’
copy ‘python-requests-2.8.1-6.9.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-simplejson-3.3.1-1.45.x86_64’
copy ‘libgio-2_0-0-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘libgthread-2_0-0-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘shared-mime-info-1.2-7.1.x86_64’
copy ‘gio-branding-SLE-12-6.9.noarch’
copy ‘wallpaper-branding-SLE-12-11.3.1.noarch’
copy ‘glib2-tools-2.38.2-5.12.x86_64’
copy ‘libelf0-0.8.13-18.64.x86_64’
copy ‘logrotate-3.8.7-3.21.x86_64’
copy ‘cron-4.2-58.3.x86_64’
copy ‘cronie-1.4.11-58.3.x86_64’
copy ‘libyui-ncurses-pkg7-2.48.2-1.2.x86_64’
copy ‘libyui-qt-pkg7-2.45.5-1.4.x86_64’
copy ‘python-enum34-1.1.3-7.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-idna-2.0-1.1.noarch’
copy ‘python-ipaddress-1.0.14-1.1.noarch’
Spawning worker 0 with 22 pkgs
Spawning worker 1 with 21 pkgs
Workers Finished
Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata
ERROR: package ‘hwdata’ not found
ERROR: package ‘libnewt0_52’ not found
ERROR: package ‘newt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-ethtool’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-gudev’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-hwdata’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-newt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘rhnlib’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-check’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-client-setup’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalk-client-tools’ not found
ERROR: package ‘spacewalksd’ not found
ERROR: package ‘suseRegisterInfo’ not found
ERROR: package ‘zypp-plugin-spacewalk’ not found
ERROR: package ‘libzmq3’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-backports.ssl_match_hostname’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-futures’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-Jinja2’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-MarkupSafe’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-msgpack-python’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-psutil’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-pycrypto’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-PyYAML’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-pyzmq’ not found
ERROR: package ‘python-tornado’ not found
ERROR: package ‘salt’ not found
ERROR: package ‘salt-minion’ not found
How can I install the missing packages?
Are you sure you are using the correct credentials in SUMA? We had a similar problem with 3.0.4 and the issue was with the credential we used for access to SCC under SUMA. Once we fixed that, the above issue went away. Click on the Channels icon next to the appropriatre version of SLES under Admin->SUSE Products and you should see access to sle-manager-tools for SLES12 and suse-manager-tools for SLES11 in the Mandatory Channels window that pops up when you click on the Channels icon.
Just because you can download the repositories does not mean the credentials are valid. You need to make sure you are downloading the correct repositories. My message has the necessary info.