SUSE graphical view

hello everyone, hope you are well.

I currently have a server running SUSE 15 SP02, and the graphical view does not allow me to navigate in a user-friendly way, since it does not allow me to view the folders and yast2 appears in console view. I have tried to apply updates and it still appears the same, I am sharing a screenshot of the view.

I appreciate your help and any input on this.

kind regards,
Cristian Melchor

@cmelchor Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
A console session will always use the ncurses version of YaST (as opposed to YaST2).

I’m assuming your using ssh? If so you would need to probably allow X11 forwarding on the server, then on the system your connecting from have an X11 session running and use ssh -X user@host when logging in.

If you can’t achieve the above, then likely need to look at something like mc (midnight commander) to browse directories and files.

Also you posted in the wrong sub-forum… maybe @robertsirc can move?

Hi @malcolmlewis, Thanks for your reply.

What you mention applies even if I’m using xrdp?

When I log into SUSE, it doesn’t show me the file explorer option among other applications, everything is displayed in the console.

Do you know what library or patches I should install?

I sorry for posten in the wrong sub-forum, what should I do?

kind regards,
Cristian Melchor

@cmelchor so are you running a X11 session on the SUSE server, eg icewm via xrdp?


We have these installed, Does this answer your question?

The remote desktop appears like this

@cmelchor so if you open a terminal and then switch to root user with su - then run the command yast2 nwhat happens?