I just installed Suse Manager 2.1 on vmware.
I have eval licenses for Suse Manager, SLES11sp3, SLES12
I have Reg Codes for all these products (visible on SUSE Customer Center)
Install seems OK
NCC Configuration via yast is OK too
[FONT=Courier New]
zypper repos
| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | SLES11 -SP3 DVD | SLES11 -SP3 DVD | Yes | No
2 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | No | Yes
3 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes
4 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-Pool | SLES11-SP3-Pool | Yes | Yes
5 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-SUSE-Manager-Tools | SLES11-SP3-SUSE-Manager-Tools | No | Yes
6 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-Updates | SLES11-SP3-Updates | Yes | Yes
7 | nu_novell_com:SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Pool | SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Pool | Yes | Yes
8 | nu_novell_com:SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Updates | SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Updates | Yes | Yes
Updating Channel Family Information
Downloading Product information…
SUSE Manager 30377 2014/12/05 12:07:11 +02:00: (‘Connecting to https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc-1.0/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 has failed after 10 tries with HTTP error code 401.’,)
NCC connection failed.
In logs (/var/log/rhn/mgr-ncc-sync.log) :
Started: Fri Dec 5 12:07:06 2014
Downloading NCC data from https://%(authuser)s:%(authpass)s@nu.novell.com/repo/repoindex.xml using credentials #0
Updating Channel Family Information
Downloading Product information…
Downloading NCC data from https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 using credentials #0
2014/12/05 12:07:11 +02:00 30377 common/suseLib.send(‘ERROR’, ‘Connecting to https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc-1.0/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 has failed after 10 tries with HTTP error code 401.’)
NCC connection failed.
Impossible to sync ether via web gui or cli.
Many thanks in advance.