Unable to get Channels to sync


I just installed Suse Manager 2.1 on vmware.

I have eval licenses for Suse Manager, SLES11sp3, SLES12

I have Reg Codes for all these products (visible on SUSE Customer Center)

Install seems OK
NCC Configuration via yast is OK too

[FONT=Courier New]

zypper repos

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh

1 | SLES11 -SP3 DVD | SLES11 -SP3 DVD | Yes | No
2 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Pool | No | Yes
3 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP3-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes
4 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-Pool | SLES11-SP3-Pool | Yes | Yes
5 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-SUSE-Manager-Tools | SLES11-SP3-SUSE-Manager-Tools | No | Yes
6 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP3-Updates | SLES11-SP3-Updates | Yes | Yes
7 | nu_novell_com:SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Pool | SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Pool | Yes | Yes
8 | nu_novell_com:SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Updates | SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Updates | Yes | Yes


Updating Channel Family Information
Downloading Product information…
SUSE Manager 30377 2014/12/05 12:07:11 +02:00: (‘Connecting to https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc-1.0/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 has failed after 10 tries with HTTP error code 401.’,)
NCC connection failed.

In logs (/var/log/rhn/mgr-ncc-sync.log) :

Started: Fri Dec 5 12:07:06 2014
Downloading NCC data from https://%(authuser)s:%(authpass)s@nu.novell.com/repo/repoindex.xml using credentials #0
Updating Channel Family Information
Downloading Product information…
Downloading NCC data from https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 using credentials #0
2014/12/05 12:07:11 +02:00 30377 common/suseLib.send(‘ERROR’, ‘Connecting to https://secure-www.novell.com/center/regsvc-1.0/?command=regdata&lang=en-US&version=1.0 has failed after 10 tries with HTTP error code 401.’)
NCC connection failed.


Impossible to sync ether via web gui or cli.

Many thanks in advance.

Is the SUSE manager up to date?

zypper ref
zypper lu
zypper patch
zypper up

Hi Maclom,

Yes it’s up to date


Sorry for the late reply. Maybe it’s releated to the infrastructure
changes, have you upgraded SUSE Manager for SLE 12 and using

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.28-4-default
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