Unable to install extensions due to 502 error

I am testing out Rancher, and would like to install some extensions from https://git.rancher.io/charts, but it seems down.

Is there another place I can get extensions from?

@afterspencer Hi and welcome to the forum :smile:
Likely a firewall in the way, or not resolving, or the nodots entry.

I had to shell into my test instance and then edit /etc/resolv.conf to add my local DNS servers… Then select the three repositories and refresh…

More info here: https://ranchermanager.docs.rancher.com/troubleshooting/other-troubleshooting-tips/dns

This was from my local box, not just from the rancher system. It seems like it is up and down a lot, since it did work long enough for me to get the Elemental Extension installed.

@afterspencer did you install K3s or RKE2? Can you show the command you used to install?