Unable to see the storage after zoning


i have migrated storage and server into new fabric.

however, although zoned, we are still unable to see the storage in the server.

Anything to do that i missed, please advise.


Hi kimkhoo,

i have migrated storage and server into new fabric.

sounds like you’re talking about FC here. If so, please let us know more details - HBA vendor, driver version, loop mode,…

however, although zoned, we are still unable to see the storage in the server.

Was the server rebooted? “New fabric” as in “new and different FC switch hardware”? Does the switch (which vendor) see the initiator? Anything in the logs (initiator, fabric, target)?


hi J,

At storage, we missed the part to map the LUN to the new switch.
Now, the LUN is visible to the server.

Thanks for your reply.