Update and cleaning commands

Hello everyone. I’m thinking of buying a subscription for SLED and I would like to be informed about the following: 1. Are sudo zypper patch, sudo zypper update and sudo zypper dist-upgrade the correct commands to update my system? 2. Except sudo zypper packages --orphaned, what other commands should I use to delete unnecessary files? 3. Do I have to enable Package Hub to install Wine? Thanks in advance.

@Nikos Hi, I normally use zypper -vvv up to add some verbosity to the output, for SLE there is the zypper-migration-plugin to move to the next service pack rather than a dup. For wine, yes that’s available via Package Hub.

Thanks for your help.

1.) RTFM => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM
→ Upgrade Guide
2.) → https://forums.suse.com/discussion/comment/61068/#Comment_61068