Upgrade from 1.5.6 -> stable 1.6.5


I have upgraded rancher server to stable 1.6.5. After upgrade i see errors in racnher server:

2017-08-01 12:56:58,307 ERROR [c00d8412-fd1b-4534-b47e-bfb768f86daf:1403803] [instance:48104] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)] [] [cutorService-11] [i.c.p.process.instance.InstanceStart] Failed [1/5] to Starting for instance [48104]
2017-08-01 12:56:58,366 ERROR [c00d8412-fd1b-4534-b47e-bfb768f86daf:1403803] [instance:48104->instanceHostMap:38775] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)->instancehostmap.activate] [] [cutorService-11] [c.p.e.p.i.DefaultProcessInstanceImpl] Agent error for [compute.instance.activate.reply;agent=3]: Timeout getting IP address
2017-08-01 12:56:58,366 ERROR [c00d8412-fd1b-4534-b47e-bfb768f86daf:1403803] [instance:48104] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)] [] [cutorService-11] [i.c.p.process.instance.InstanceStart] Failed [2/5] to Starting for instance [48104]

Also in infra structure scheduler and healthcheck are in upgrading state, although on server is see both containers up and running.

os: CentOs 7
racnher: 1.6.5
docker 17.06.0-ce

I have stopped rancher host, removed all docker data (containers and images) and re-registered the host.
Same problems.

Does anyone have any solutions ?

Milos Zupancic