weird search issue

Ok, see if you can help me wrap my brain around this issue.

We have a remote site connected via T-1. They can do everything
network/computer related they need, aside from online searches.

Google toolbar or searches time out. If someone from our
dept signs in on one of those computers, searches work like a champ.

If one of those computers is brought to our main location & the remote
user signs in, searches work like a champ.

It seems to be just for these users at this remote site. No acl’s on
routers/switches between here & there, our filtering appliance and
firewall have not been changed to block any of this.

Remote machines are both XP and windows 7 64bit.

Any ideas, suggestions? Anything?

We’ve tried reloading a couple machines, same thing happens, so that
tells me it’s nothing with the computer itself.


Stevo wrote:

Any ideas, suggestions? Anything?[/color]

LAN trace

Does this washcloth smell like chloroform?

Is the remote site coming through a VPN to your site then out to the
Internet through any filters you may have in place?


On 5/22/2012 6:40 PM, Stevo wrote:[color=blue]

Ok, see if you can help me wrap my brain around this issue.

We have a remote site connected via T-1. They can do everything
network/computer related they need, aside from online searches.

Google toolbar or searches time out. If someone from our
dept signs in on one of those computers, searches work like a champ.

If one of those computers is brought to our main location& the remote
user signs in, searches work like a champ.

It seems to be just for these users at this remote site. No acl’s on
routers/switches between here& there, our filtering appliance and
firewall have not been changed to block any of this.

Remote machines are both XP and windows 7 64bit.

Any ideas, suggestions? Anything?

We’ve tried reloading a couple machines, same thing happens, so that
tells me it’s nothing with the computer itself.

Check to see if it is a DNS issue by accessing a website via its ip
address from the remote site.


jamesgosling’s Profile:
View this thread:

Joseph Marton sounds like they ‘said’:

LAN trace[/color]

So my response to Joseph’s comment is…

That was the next thing I was thinking, was hoping someone here had
seen something similar & had a ‘fix’ for it.


Bob sounds like they ‘said’:

Is the remote site coming through a VPN to your site then out to the
Internet through any filters you may have in place?[/color]

So my response to Bob’s comment is…

Nope, connecting through a switch, router over a T-1.


jamesgosling sounds like they ‘said’:

Check to see if it is a DNS issue by accessing a website via its ip
address from the remote site.[/color]

So my response to jamesgosling’s comment is…

Hmmm, will have to check that.


Any proxies involved?

GofBorg sounds like they ‘said’:

Any proxies involved?[/color]

So my response to GofBorg’s comment is…

