What's your favourite distro?

[{“insert”:"My favourite Linux distro is openSUSE:
"},{“insert”:{“embed-external”:{“data”:{“body”:“Discover Tumbleweed and get the newest Linux packages with our rolling release. Fast! Integrated! Stabilized! Tested!. Discover Leap and get the most complete Linux distribution with openSUSE’s latest regular-release version!”,“photoUrl”:“https:\/\/www.opensuse.org\/build\/images\/facebook-preview.jpg”,“url”:“https:\/\/www.opensuse.org\/”,“embedType”:“link”,“name”:“The makers’ choice for sysadmins, developers and desktop users.”,“format”:null,“bodyRaw”:null},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/www.opensuse.org\/”}}}},{“insert”:"What is yours?

[{“insert”:"Obviously I’m partial to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed but also tend to just use Windows with the WSL version of Leap. Is that cheating?

[{“insert”:"Nah, it’s still awesome SUSE tech :slight_smile:

[{“insert”:"If you love micro services and simplicity: first you are in the good place, second you’ll love openSUSE with Gnome, Wayland and Flatpak!

[{“insert”:"+1!!! “},{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“brice.dekany”,“userID”:20}}},{“insert”:”

[{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“brice.dekany”,“userID”:20}}},{“insert”:" Have you messed around with microOS & flatpack to get the readonly rootfs? I’m thinking that’ll be my next setup when I have time to mess around

[{“insert”:"openSUSE Leap


<a class=“atMention” data-username=“brice.dekany” data-userid=“20” href=“https:\/\/forums.explore.suse.dev\/profile\/brice.dekany”>@brice.dekany<\/a> Have you messed around with microOS & flatpack to get the readonly rootfs? I’m thinking that’ll be my next setup when I have time to mess around<\/p>",“bodyRaw”:[{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“brice.dekany”,“userID”:20}}},{“insert”:" Have you messed around with microOS & flatpack to get the readonly rootfs? I’m thinking that’ll be my next setup when I have time to mess around
"}],“format”:“Rich”,“dateInserted”:“2020-04-27T20:08:13+00:00”,“insertUser”:{“userID":2,“name”:"andrew.gracey@suse.com”,“photoUrl”:“https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/bcc6ad903cd2f737f4dc0a3d2deb7458\/?default=https%3A%2F%2Fvanillicon.com%2Fb091a16b3783584a88c9b2aece41b82f_200.png&rating=g&size=200”,“dateLastActive”:“2020-04-21T19:04:44+00:00”},“displayOptions”:{“showUserLabel”:false,“showCompactUserInfo”:true,“showDiscussionLink”:false,“showPostLink”:false,“showCategoryLink”:false,“renderFullContent”:false,“expandByDefault”:false},“url”:“https:\/\/forums.explore.suse.dev\/discussion\/comment\/25#Comment_25”,“embedType”:“quote”},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/forums.explore.suse.dev\/discussion\/comment\/25#Comment_25”}}}},{“insert”:"Not both at the same time!

[{“insert”:"I have become rather partial to using openSUSE Leap for my desktop\/dev environments. I also use Alpine for a lot of things, too.

[{“insert”:“For me, it’s a toss-up between “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true,“bold”:true},“insert”:“Fedora”},{“insert”:” and “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true,“bold”:true},“insert”:“openSUSE Tumbleweed”},{“insert”:”. “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?”}}},{“insert”:"
Both are excellent Linux distributions. I’m partial to “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true,“bold”:true},“insert”:“Fedora”},{“insert”:” because it provides what I feel to be an awesome balance of freshness and stability, making it great for my servers and workstations. “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true},“insert”:“Cockpit”},{“insert”:” and “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true},“insert”:“SELinux”},{“insert”:” are high points for me on Fedora!
But, I do love the chameleon too! I have a couple of machines running “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true,“bold”:true},“insert”:“openSUSE Tumbleweed”},{“insert”:” that I do development on. Nothing quite beats the excellent KDE experience that is the result of loving care by the openSUSE community.
And hey, they’re both awesome communities with great folks that help make great stuff for everyone to use. “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?"}}},{“insert”:"
(And with “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true},“insert”:“DNF”},{“insert”:” on both, I can even manage the software the same way!)

Maybe it’s time for a mashup :smiley:
Thanks for that cool insight and feedback!

[{“insert”:"My favourite distro is “dualboot”, or should I say “multiboot”.
openSUSE Tumbleweed, Arch Linux, Debian testing, Fedora, KDE Neon, PCLinuxOS for now ? but I have space for other 6 installations.

[{“insert”:"I too am a geekolover her Tumbleweed is my favorite! I caught tumbleweed 1 1\/2 years ago been with since. I’ve dabbled with others but stayed with Opensuse.

[{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“Flavio”,“userID”:48251}}},{“insert”:" AWESOME!

openSUSE and SLE of course “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?”}}},{“insert”:" My current day to day development platform is Tumbleweed, but also have SLED (x86_64), SLES (x86_64 and aarch64) and Leap 15.1 (x86_64 and aarch64) as well as qemu machines (with GPU and SATA passthrough). I’m also a GNOME user…
“},{“insert”:{“embed-external”:{“data”:{“body”:“OpenID”,“url”:“https:\/\/susepaste.org\/46c3dc9a”,“embedType”:“link”,“name”:“SUSE Paste”,“format”:null,“bodyRaw”:null},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/susepaste.org\/46c3dc9a”}}}},{“insert”:”


[{“insert”:"Well, under the hood it’s all just Linux regardless of which distro you use. I’ve used SuSE\/openSUSE since my first boxed set of 7.0 (Air) and it has always been a favorite. This coming from Mandrake before it’s attempt at corporate glory and implosion. Then in 2009 I added Arch to the mix and the KISS philosophy and the fact it has always been a rolling release packaging even with upstream with little or no modification of upstream packages is appealing. Then we added Debian and Ubuntu to the mix. (it’s just another package manager to learn at that point) But I’ve always stayed with openSUSE as the primary desktop for the best maintained KDE3 on the planet. Nothing like being able to work day-in day-out without ever having to worry about a new bug popping up and if you haven’t tried it in a decade – it is just a good as it ever was and will load for power-off to full desktop in 11 sec. on SSD in 198M of RAM.

[{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“malcolmlewis”,“userID”:9}}},{“insert”:" and “},{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“drankinatty”,“userID”:48509}}},{“insert”:” “},{“attributes”:{“italic”:true},“insert”:“highfive!”},{“insert”:”
It’s interesting reading about everybody’s Linux background and cool to see so many openSUSE \/ SUSE users.
I personally also liked fiddeling around with some of the Chinese Distros (Deepin etc.), because they always had nice interfaces, I was able to use from my couch in a media PC setup. For my general Linux needs, I do use openSUSE Leap though (Also interesting playing around with Leap on WSL on Win10)
That’s the fun about Linux, there’s a flavor for everyone :smiley:
May the GREENESS be with you “},{“insert”:{“emoji”:{“emojiChar”:”?"}}},{“insert”:"

[{“insert”:"OpenSuse has been my mainstay for 20+ years. I still toy with Mandriva derivatives, e.g. Mageia and Rosa. But OpenSuse helps me to get work done and experiment with new stuff that mostly works. It has good support for a wide list of software that may not be mainstream. Recently I have been using the console version of “Journal” and the console password manager “Pass”. I was a Reiserfs convert for many years but now enjoy btrfs that is well supported by Suse. The snapshot feature is appreciated. A lot of work would have gone into this. Occassionally I boot into OpenSuse 42.2 and am surprise how good it was.