Adding NGINX Plus repo to SUSE manager

We are trying to add the NGINX plus repo to SUSE manager, but we’ve run into a snag. The Repo in question requires a certificate to be passed to it for verification.

Nginx plus documentation for adding their repo to a individual suse server:

Is this process possible in SUSE Manager ?

[QUOTE=cisaksen;59453]We are trying to add the NGINX plus repo to SUSE manager, but we’ve run into a snag. The Repo in question requires a certificate to be passed to it for verification.

Nginx plus documentation for adding their repo to a individual suse server:

Is this process possible in SUSE Manager ?[/QUOTE]

Having in mind that Red Hat repos also require certificate - it seems possible.

You can try the procedure for Red Hat and share your experience.
It seems you should create the CA as per nginx instructions and then follow the procedure for Red Hat repos (only with CA cert).

Hi Cisaksen,
You can add the repository in your Suse Manager. In the example, I created a custom Channel/Repository Nginx because I don’t found o repositories right “nginx plus”. I hope that help you.

Create channel/repository to Nginx
First create a Channel
Software ? Manage ? Create Channel
Software ? Channel List ? My Channels ? Create Channel
Channel Name:* channel_nginx_sles15
Channel Label:* channel_nginx_sles15
Parent Channel: <base_channel>
Channel Summary:* my_channel-nginx_sles15
GPG key URL:
Create Channel

Now create the repository
Software ? Manage ? Repositories ? Create Repository
Repository Label:* nginx_sles15
Repository URL:*
Repository Type:* yum
Create Repository

Software ? Manage ?Repositories ? Add/Remove
Select the repositories and after
Save Repositories

Sync the new repository
Software ? Manage ? click in your “Channel Name (nginx_sles15)” ? Repositories ? sync
Or by CLI
suma41:/var/log/rhn/reposync # spacewalk-repo-sync --channel channel_nginx_sles15

Show the packages in your Suse Manager
_suma41:/var/log/rhn/reposync # tail -f channel_nginx_sles15.log _

2021/03/16 15:10:12 -03:00 Sync completed.

PS: We don’t support package of community and other manufacturers.
