Cluster attempting to use deleted node group/launch template

We have the same issue here and it happens 3 times again where we created new nodegroup and deleted the old one. So it looks for us like an error which wil always happen.

Do someone know a way to fix this instead of everythime to edit the with the fear to lose nodegroups because something is overseen.

Using Rancher v2.8.4

At it seems that Rancher 2.8.5 fix this:

  • Fixed an issue where custom secrets encryption configurations were being stored in plaintext under the clusters AppliedSpec. This was also causing clusters to continuously reconcile, as the AppliedSpec would never match the desired cluster Spec. The information stored here contains the encryption configuration for secrets within etcd, and could potentially expose sensitive data if the etcd database was exposed directly. For more information, see [#45800] and [CVE-2024-22032 ].

Rancher Release v2.8.5 - Announcements - Rancher Labs