Destiny of RancherOS, could it be the default OS for cluster deployments or else?

I’m still exploring rancher and rancherOS, but I’m a bit confused about rancherOS destiny.
Is it meant to be the default OS for rancher server and k8s clusters deployments, or it’s just a trial to have a light-weigh container OS?

The feeling is mainly because of the relative poor coverage in docs, pace of development and not being adopted as the default deployment OS from Rancher lab themselves.

And of-course is it to be considered a good choice for production deployments?


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I’m using it for production and development environments. I specifically wanted a small OS which I can easily maintain. Trying to keep 100 ubuntu boxes updated is a fully time job on its own.

I’ve create a small bootstrap .iso system (based on alpine), which runs nginx and hosts rancherOS initd and my cloud-config.yaml file, no HD just boots to RAM. I can then use iPXE and DHCP to boot the rancherOS systems. This allows me to swap the .iso for the bootstrap servers and then reboot each node to have it upgrade… it’s that simple.