Error in mgr-create-bootstrap-repo for ubuntu-18

Running the mgr-create-bootstrap-repo for ubuntu-18.04-amd64, I receive the followind error:
Warning: database ‘bootstrap|main|amd64’ was modified but no index file was exported.
Changes will only be visible after the next ‘export’!
Warning: database ‘bootstrap|main|i386’ was modified but no index file was exported.
Changes will only be visible after the next ‘export’!
There have been errors!
Error creating bootstrap repo.

I have no idea how to fix it …
Any suggestion please???
Thanks in advance

Is enough to delete /srv/www/htdocs/pub/repositories/ubuntu/18/4/bootstrap/db directory, recreate it and run again mgr-create-boostrap-repo ?? I screw up someting doing this trick ??
Thanks in advance