I have been trying to down SUSE 11 ISO’s for a project on a CentOS (Chrome and Firefox)
and Windows for a day now and they never finish ( I am located in Texas) - I end up trunicated iso’s .
I finally resorted to using wget method on Linux and I get a error “file name too long”:
Resolving login.attachmategroup.com…, 2600:806:310::105
Connecting to login.attachmategroup.com||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 426 [text/html]
sso?RequestID=idN2ewLWD3naQfuyzp1R9cQ17hVgc&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=2&IssueInstant=2013-03-27T00:55:31Z&ProviderID=https:%2F%2Fesp.attachmategroup.com:443%2Fnesp%2Fidff%2Fmetadata&RelayState=MA==&consent=urn:liberty:consent:unavailable&ForceAuthn=false&IsPassive=false&NameIDPolicy=onetime&ProtocolProfile=http:%2F%2Fprojectliberty.org%2Fprofiles%2Fbrws-art&target=https:%2F%2Fesp.attachmategroup.com%2FLAGBroker?%22http:%2F%2Fcdn.novell.com%2Fprot%2FefgnQnRkzh4~%2FSLED-11-SP1-DVD-i586-GM-DVD1.iso%22&AuthnContextStatementRef=novell%2Fname%2Fpassword%2Furi: File name too long
Making your first post in a long dormant thread is a common would be spammer tactic but given your IP address I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re a real person.
I just tried the both ‘wget --auth-no-challenge --user=userHere --password=pwdHere’ and wget with cookies exported from Firefox methods to download the SLED 11 SP3 iso and they both worked.
Exactly what are you trying to download and what is happening when you try?