How to apply registry-mirrors in rancheros?

I come from China!
Docker is blocked by the national firewall,so downloading images is slow.In ubuntu 16.04,I use sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-‘EOF’
“registry-mirrors”: [“”]
EOF, is for speeding-up.
and then sudo systemctl restart docker,
it works,but using it in rancheros, it works for docker ,not for system-docker,so i can’t pull the images,the speeding-up does not work.Need a lot of time to download and lead to failure.SO what should i do to make “system-docker pull XXX” works and should use what commnads to make it work at once and do not need to reboot the rancheros.
I make it clear? Anyone can help,thank in advance.

Yes clear what you want.

How are registry mirrors added to System Docker?

According to that document linked above, you should do this instead of what you are currently doing (I’ve not tested, only interpreting the docs to what should work)

    registry_mirror: ""
    registry_mirror: ""

Hope this works for you

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According to your advice,I use(I have installed the rancheros already):
sudo ros config set rancher.docker.registery_mirror
sudo ros config set rancher.system_docker.registery_mirror ,
but it does not work at once,when I reboot the rancheros,it works.
So the question is how to make it work at once and don’t need to reboot the rancheros???

So instead of running the commands, put the actual cloud config posted in your cloud-config.yml :slight_smile:


following Install to Disk docs,

$ sudo ros install -c cloud-config.yml -d /dev/sda
INFO[0000] No install type specified...defaulting to generic
Installing from rancher/os:v0.5.0
Continue [y/N]:

update this cloud-config.yml specified to include

    registry_mirror: ""
    registry_mirror: ""

These settings need to be set when docker/system-docker is started, there is no way to alter at runtime by the looks.

I know your meaning,thanks a lot.

Did you try to do it in 2 steps using the docker instructions:

When you use the RancherOS registry-mirror config, it does the rest for you - all in one step.


I have the same configuration :

    registry_mirror: "https://docker-public.recette.local"
    registry_mirror: "https://docker-public.recette.local"
      auth: == 

but when I docker search it fails :

[rancher@rancheros1 ~]$ docker search debian
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

My proxy is working, but I need to specify it :

rancher@rancheros1  ~]$ docker search docker-public.recette.local/debian
NAME                                    DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
ubuntu                                  Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating s...   7028      [OK]
debian                                  Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   2382      [OK]
google/debian                                                                           52                   [OK]
neurodebian                             NeuroDebian provides neuroscience research...   41        [OK]
armhf/debian                            Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   29
arm32v7/debian                          Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   23
32bit/debian                            Debian for i386 (32bit)                         21
itscaro/debian-ssh                      debian:jessie                                   20                   [OK]
samueldebruyn/debian-git                a minimal docker container with debian and...   16                   [OK]
resin/armv7hf-debian                    Debian is a Linux distro composed entirely...   15
tianon/debian                           use "debian" instead - https://index.docke...   14
jesselang/debian-vagrant                Stock Debian Images made Vagrant-friendly ...   13                   [OK]
armbuild/debian                         ARMHF port of debian                            12                   [OK]
danielguerra/bro-debian-elasticsearch   Bro on debian with full elasticsearch-2 ki...   11                   [OK]
arm64v8/debian                          Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   8
eboraas/debian                          Debian base images, for all currently-avai...   8                    [OK]
i386/debian                             Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   7
aarch64/debian                          Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   6
armhfbuild/debian                       Debian base images for armhf devices            6
mschuerig/debian-subsonic               Moved to mschuerig/subsonic-docker-image        6                    [OK]
multiarch/debian-debootstrap            multiarch ports of debian-debootstrap           4
rockyluke/debian                        Docker images of Debian.                        4
vergissberlin/debian-development        Docker debian image to use for development...   4                    [OK]
armel/debian                            Debian is a Linux distribution that's comp...   3
davidcaste/debian-oracle-java           Oracle Java 8 (and 7) over Debian Jessie        3                    [OK]

any idea ?

docker search docker-public.recette.local/debian? docker-public.recette.local/debian
is a local repository? if so,registry_mirror: “https://docker-public.recette.local
registry_mirror: “https://docker-public.recette.local”,it does not work,you understand wrongly,should use insecure-mirror