Installing Rancher on Windows (over Docker Toolbox) - rancher/server image not discoverable

I am relatively new to the world of Docker and Rancher, and thrilled by the change in paradigm to manage applications and websites.

I was trying to get started on Windows with Kitematic, and was intrigued to not see rancher/server in Docker Hub. Especially as I then found out that rancher/server already seems to be using the Docker registry. Is there a particular reason for that?
That would make the “getting started” steps on Windows even more intuitive. I only found out after some tribulations that running “docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:8080 rancher/server” in the Docker CLI was enough to make it work, without having to install another virtual machine (it reuses the VM installed by Docker Tools). Had I found the official rancher/server image in Docker Hub, I would have gotten there even faster (and with zero bash/Powershell command).

Is that what you were missing?

Yes, I could not find it in Kitematic nor on the hub.

Is anyone having any success?

I’m trying on latest kitematic to run rachner/server and the console just reports

“./run: line 4: /usr/sbin/mysqld: No such file or directory”

any idea? maybe I’m donig something stupid… What is the best way to test rancher locally? is there a way that allows rancher to provision additional VMs with docker-machine or something? so we can have a “real” multi host environment (even if locally)?

EDIT: seems kitematic fooled my with the wrong image… trying the official one… the second question still holds tho :slight_smile:

There is an open issue for Windows support with Rancher.

Thanks Denise, thats not really what I was looking for… I wanted to provision linux VMs… Running from the docker toolbox under windows or under osx or linux should be pretty similar if not identical I suppose…

It appears I was able to get rancher/server working in kitematic… quite a few errors in the console but it appears to respond. Will check it out later… What I was looking for was a way for rancher to provision with docker machine other virtualbox machines to serve as hosts…

dont know if I was clear?

Output of rancher/server on kitematic… web UI at least add host page is coming up ok… gotta run will test later…

160601 16:58:08 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.5.47-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) starting as process 23 ...
Uptime: 2  Threads: 1  Questions: 2  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 33  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 26  Queries per second avg: 1.000
Setting up database
Importing schema
16:58:13.408 [main] WARN - ServletContext@o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@6c521576{/,file:/usr/share/cattle/ac5011ed20cd3ee4bf043f1b3557bbe5/,STARTING}{file:/usr/share/cattle/ac5011ed20cd3ee4bf043f1b3557bbe5/} has uncovered http methods for path: /
16:58:15.362 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [1/6] [0ms] [1ms] Loading config-bootstrap
16:58:15.759 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [2/6] [400ms] [384ms] Loading base-config
16:58:16.336 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [3/6] [977ms] [577ms] Loading config
16:58:16.358 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [4/6] [999ms] [20ms] Starting config-bootstrap
16:58:16.857 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [5/6] [1498ms] [498ms] Starting base-config
16:58:16.857 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [6/6] [1498ms] [0ms] Starting config
2016-06-01 16:58:17,372 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [1/32] [0ms] [0ms] Loading bootstrap 
2016-06-01 16:58:17,578 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [2/32] [205ms] [204ms] Loading config-defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:24,397 WARN    [main] [liquibase] modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql.  Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case 
2016-06-01 16:58:29,240 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [3/32] [11868ms] [11662ms] Loading system 
2016-06-01 16:58:29,306 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [4/32] [11934ms] [65ms] Loading defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:29,854 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [5/32] [12482ms] [547ms] Loading types 
2016-06-01 16:58:36,034 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [6/32] [18662ms] [6179ms] Loading system-services 
2016-06-01 16:58:36,374 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [7/32] [19002ms] [338ms] Loading agent-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:36,855 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [8/32] [19483ms] [480ms] Loading allocator-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:39,236 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [9/32] [21863ms] [2380ms] Loading api-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:42,165 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [10/32] [24793ms] [2929ms] Loading iaas-api 
2016-06-01 16:58:42,309 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [11/32] [24937ms] [142ms] Loading archaius 
2016-06-01 16:58:42,737 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [12/32] [25365ms] [428ms] Loading core-model 
2016-06-01 16:58:42,778 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [13/32] [25406ms] [41ms] Loading core-object-defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:42,846 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [14/32] [25474ms] [68ms] Loading encryption 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,264 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [15/32] [28892ms] [3417ms] Loading process 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,353 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [16/32] [28981ms] [87ms] Loading redis 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,474 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [17/32] [29102ms] [119ms] Starting bootstrap 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,475 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [18/32] [29103ms] [0ms] Starting config-defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,476 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [19/32] [29104ms] [0ms] Starting system 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,477 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [20/32] [29105ms] [0ms] Starting defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:46,478 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [21/32] [29106ms] [1ms] Starting types 
2016-06-01 16:58:53,016 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [22/32] [35644ms] [6538ms] Starting system-services 
2016-06-01 16:58:53,017 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [23/32] [35645ms] [1ms] Starting agent-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:53,018 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [24/32] [35646ms] [0ms] Starting allocator-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:54,923 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [25/32] [37551ms] [1904ms] Starting api-server 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,909 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [26/32] [39537ms] [1985ms] Starting iaas-api 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,910 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [27/32] [39538ms] [0ms] Starting archaius 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,911 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [28/32] [39539ms] [1ms] Starting core-model 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,912 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [29/32] [39540ms] [0ms] Starting core-object-defaults 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,912 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [30/32] [39540ms] [0ms] Starting encryption 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,917 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [31/32] [39545ms] [4ms] Starting process 
2016-06-01 16:58:56,918 INFO    [main] [ConsoleStatus] [32/32] [39546ms] [1ms] Starting redis 
INFO[0000] Starting websocket proxy. Listening on [:8080], Proxying to cattle API at [localhost:8081], Monitoring parent pid [7]. 
INFO[0000] Exiting proxy.                                error=Get http://localhost:8081/v1/schemas: dial tcp [::1]:8081: getsockopt: connection refused
16:58:57.166 [main] INFO  ConsoleStatus - [DONE ] [45271ms] Startup Succeeded, Listening on port 8081
INFO[0000] Starting Rancher Catalog service             
INFO[2016-06-01T16:58:58Z] Using catalog library= 
INFO[2016-06-01T16:58:58Z] Using catalog community= 
INFO[0000] Starting rancher-compose-executor             version=v0.8.2
INFO[0000] Setting log level                             logLevel=info
INFO[0000] Starting go-machine-service...                gitcommit=v0.31.4
INFO[0000] Waiting for handler registration (1/2)       
FATA[0000] Unable to create event router                 error=Get http://localhost:8080/v1: dial tcp [::1]:8080: getsockopt: connection refused
FATA[0000] Exiting go-machine-service: Get http://localhost:8080/v1: dial tcp [::1]:8080: getsockopt: connection refused 
INFO[0000] Starting websocket proxy. Listening on [:8080], Proxying to cattle API at [localhost:8081], Monitoring parent pid [7]. 
INFO[0000] Downloading certificate from http://localhost:8081/v1/credentials/1c1/certificate 
INFO[0000] Starting rancher-compose-executor             version=v0.8.2
INFO[0000] Setting log level                             logLevel=info
INFO[0000] Starting go-machine-service...                gitcommit=v0.31.4
INFO[0000] Waiting for handler registration (1/2)       
INFO[0000] Initializing event router                     workerCount=10
INFO[0001] Connection established                       
INFO[0003] Initializing event router                     workerCount=10
INFO[0003] Connection established                       
INFO[0003] Waiting for handler registration (2/2)       
INFO[0003] Initializing event router                     workerCount=10
INFO[0003] Connection established                       
INFO[0003] Installing builtin drivers                   
INFO[0004] Activating driver packet                     
INFO[0004] Activating driver amazonec2                  
INFO[0005] Event                                         eventId=a46fe8ce-f038-4996-9448-97bfa92a338a name=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md1
INFO[0005] Activating driver azure                      
INFO[0005] Download 
INFO[0005] Event                                         eventId=1ebc1edd-9788-40ab-ac3b-177939c1cb24 name=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md2
INFO[0006] Activating driver digitalocean               
INFO[0006] Event                                         eventId=8045e385-a3df-4ac6-81bb-e82ca3942630 name=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md3
INFO[0006] Installing builtin driver exoscale           
INFO[0006] Event                                         eventId=9c1f34a2-39a5-4aab-9a9a-e2032c31cbee name=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md4
INFO[0006] Installing builtin driver generic            
INFO[0007] Installing builtin driver google             
INFO[0007] Installing builtin driver hyperv             
INFO[0007] Creating schema amazonec2Config, roles [service member owner project admin user readAdmin readonly restricted]  id=1ds1
INFO[0007] Installing builtin driver openstack          
INFO[0007] Installing builtin driver rackspace          
INFO[0008] Installing builtin driver softlayer          
INFO[0008] Installing builtin driver vmwarevcloudair    
INFO[0008] Installing builtin driver vmwarevsphere      
INFO[0008] Updating machine jsons for  [amazonec2 packet amazonec2 azure digitalocean] 
INFO[0008] Downloading all drivers                      
INFO[0009] Done downloading all drivers                 
INFO[0009] Creating schema machine, roles [service]      id=1ds2
INFO[0009] Creating schema machine, roles [project member owner]  id=1ds3
INFO[0010] Creating schema machine, roles [admin user readAdmin]  id=1ds4
INFO[0010] Creating schema machine, roles [readonly]     id=1ds5
INFO[0010] Creating schema digitaloceanConfig, roles [service member owner project admin user readAdmin readonly restricted]  id=1ds6
INFO[0011] Updating machine jsons for  [digitalocean packet amazonec2 azure digitalocean] 
INFO[0012] Creating schema machine, roles [service]      id=1ds7
INFO[0012] Creating schema machine, roles [project member owner]  id=1ds8
INFO[0012] Creating schema machine, roles [admin user readAdmin]  id=1ds9
INFO[0013] Creating schema machine, roles [readonly]     id=1ds10
INFO[0013] Creating schema azureConfig, roles [service member owner project admin user readAdmin readonly restricted]  id=1ds11
INFO[0013] Updating machine jsons for  [azure packet amazonec2 azure digitalocean] 
INFO[0014] Creating schema machine, roles [service]      id=1ds12
INFO[0014] Creating schema machine, roles [project member owner]  id=1ds13
INFO[0015] Creating schema machine, roles [admin user readAdmin]  id=1ds14
INFO[0015] Creating schema machine, roles [readonly]     id=1ds15
INFO[0040] Found driver docker-machine-driver-packet    
INFO[0040] Copying /var/lib/cattle/machine-drivers/1f7058341420e2f525168052818c3f819ff78e9ca5f57d5a650a049bcd5945e9-docker-machine-driver-packet => /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-packet 
INFO[0040] Creating schema packetConfig, roles [service member owner project admin user readAdmin readonly restricted]  id=1ds16
INFO[0040] Updating machine jsons for  [packet packet amazonec2 azure digitalocean] 
INFO[0041] Creating schema machine, roles [service]      id=1ds17
INFO[0041] Creating schema machine, roles [project member owner]  id=1ds18
INFO[0042] Creating schema machine, roles [admin user readAdmin]  id=1ds19
INFO[0042] Creating schema machine, roles [readonly]     id=1ds20
INFO[0050] Event                                         eventId=2b9c06d2-9025-4d14-a6f9-33f218b131c3 name=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md1
ERRO[0050] Error processing event                        err=open /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-packet: text file busy eventId=2b9c06d2-9025-4d14-a6f9-33f218b131c3 eventName=machinedriver.activate;handler=goMachineService-machine resourceId=1md1
ERRO[2016-06-01T17:34:30Z] Failed to pull the catalog from git repo, error: exit status 1 
ERRO[2016-06-01T17:39:30Z] Failed to pull the catalog from git repo, error: exit status 1 
ERRO[2016-06-01T17:39:50Z] Failed to pull the catalog from git repo, error: exit status 1 

You can create VMs in virtualbox, install docker and register them as hosts with the custom registration command on the Add hosts page. There is a virtualbox driver for docker-machine but it assumes that it’s running on the host, not in one of the VMs.