I was discussing an opportunity(Storage/VirtualSAN) with our Sales
Contact at SUSE, and the guy at SUSE advised me[color=green]
Suse enterprise storage positioning is for cost/gb of use cases - data
retention, archival, backup etc. If this is not the case, you may not
want to push for this customer
Do you agree with the statement, that SES is a tier 3 storage(for backup
and archival etc) ? is not meant to replace the tier 1 Storage.[/color]
No I don’t agree with the above statement and I don’t think it’s
SUSE’s aim for the SUSE Enterprise Storage (SES) product. You may
find https://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/
ure-of-enterprise-storage-is-open-source (URL may not wrap)
SUSE is building our technology on top of Ceph and deploying our engineering resources to build and deliver storage solutions. Initial use cases will target archive, object and bulk (block) solutions.