Issue with SLES 11 SP1 clients (can't access the repository)

When I try to Upgrade the packages on SLES 11 SP1 (x86_64) clients, it can’t access to the SUSE Manager 3.2 repositories, I have this kind of error :

I Use the official Channel repository provided in admin => setup Wizard => SUSE Products.
I tried to ping on the client, lxsusemanager01.corint.cora and it works.
I registered the client with bootstrap because SLES 11 SP1 is too old for installing SALT. I have some clients in SLES 11 SP3 and I don’t have this kind of issue with them.
I registered 3 clients in SLES 11 SP1 (x86_64) and I always have this issue.

Somebody have any idea what is the problem here ?



are you maybe hitting this issue? The messages differ somewhat between your report and the KB article, but a look at the logs should give more insight.

I can’t tell if the required updates to the client stack are available for SLES11 SP1, but if you have the latest channel contents still replicated to your SUSE Manager, it might be worth a try to update.

The article offers the option to downgrade Apache httpd on your SUSE Manager install. I wouldn’t do that, even if it were available for SUSE Manager 3.2 - please instead use the work-around given after “Optionally instead of the above steps the following workaround can be used” in that document, if you feel that the described issue may be what you’re hitting. Please also note the security impact of that change and don’t forget to undo that change afterward :wink:


It not seems to be the same kind of error, whith the command :

zypper ref

[QUOTE]Retrieving repository ‘SLES11-SP1-Pool for x86_64’ metadata [\]
Permission to access ‘https://lxsusemanager01.corint.cora:443/rhn/manager/download/sles11-sp1-pool-x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml?eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1ODM0MTI0ODAsImlhdCI6MTU1MTg3NjQ4MCwibmJmIjoxNTUxODc2MzYwLCJvcmciOjEsImp0aSI6ImVMc1RQaFNTQkNQRHI2cXM0WkJ0OFEiLCJvbmx5Q2hhbm5lbHMiOlsic2xlczExLXNwMS1wb29sLXg4Nl82NCJdfQ.nUM8GFUuwGkLPpf4ZmD2UYPuv6Y3KLUB5qq-muD0HHw’ denied.[/QUOTE]

The access to the repository is denied.


have you checked the SUSE Manager logs for hints?

Are these freshly registered clients, or have they been registered some time ago, maybe left idle (wrt repository access), and now are no longer able to access?



have you checked the SUSE Manager logs for hints?

Are these freshly registered clients, or have they been registered some time ago, maybe left idle (wrt repository access), and now are no longer able to access?



I tried to apply the updates and just after the failure, I checked all the logs in /var/log/rhn and /var/log/apache2, /var/log/susemanager_setup.err and /var/log/susemanager_setup.log and didn’t see anything.

Yes, the clients are freshly registered clients, it never worked successfully.