Migrate sles4sap 12 SP2 to sles4sap SP3 Failed

I did migrate from sles 12 sp2 to sp3 but it failed.

zypper migrate

Can’t get available migrations from server: SUSE :: Connect :: ApiError: The requested products ‘SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 x86_64’ have not been activated on the system.

If I activate

SUSEConnect -r reg_code -e email_id -p SLES / 12-2 / x86_64

an error appears
Can’t get available migrations from server: SUSE :: Connect :: ApiError: Multiple base products found: [“SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 x86_64”, “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 x86_64”]

So what should I do?