Only able to register one machine at a time

I’ve edited my file, and am able to register one machine. When I register the second machine, using the same bootstrap file, the first machine is no longer registered. If I use a different bootstrap file, the original machine is gone again. Am I only able to register one machine with the trial Suse manager?


Has anyone run into this?

Hmm, that’s weird. The SUSE Manager Eval is limited to 10 clients. What type of machine is this ? Virtualized ? Identical images ?
What is the difference between the two bootstrap files (“If I use a different bootstrap file, …”) ?

Hmm, that’s weird. The SUSE Manager Eval is limited to 10 clients. What type of machine is this ? Virtualized ? Identical images ?
What is the difference between the two bootstrap files (“If I use a different bootstrap file, …”) ?

Both machines are vms, one is a web host while the other is a db.
The differences between the bootstrap files is they use different activation keys. I put a second bootstrap file together because the first one didn’t want to register more than one machine at a time. Turns out, the problem isn’t the bootstrap file, as two bootstrap files, using two different keys, will only register one machine at a time. At least, in my experience.

Are both VMs based on the same image ? Are they sharing network MAC addresses ?
How did you set up the activation key ? You can set a max number of uses for an activation key, this number might be 1.

[QUOTE=kwk;14743]Are both VMs based on the same image ? Are they sharing network MAC addresses ?
How did you set up the activation key ? You can set a max number of uses for an activation key, this number might be 1.[/QUOTE]

Different MAC addresses.
Activation keys are set to unlimited
db test 1-??? 0/(unlimited)
Web Server-test * 1-??? 1/(unlimited)


I do have exactly the same problem. Experimented with the UUID in the vmx-File, renewed MAC-Adresses, nothing helped. I have two pairs of VMware VM’s (4 hosts) and can register only one of each pair, the next one overwrites the earlier profile.

It must have to do with the VM’s becauese VM1 and VM3 where created from scratch, VM2 is a clone of VM1, VM4 is a clone of VM3.

I just can’t figure out which data is still shared between the instances…

Did you solve your problem?


I just can’t figure out which data is still shared between the instances…


check this site:
Unfortunately under old Novell-domain and not yet migrated to SUSE.


check this site:
Unfortunately under old Novell-domain and not yet migrated to SUSE.[/QUOTE]

Worked, thanks. I must have missed one of the id-files.

