PowerDNS from Catalog with sub-domains

Greetings All,

I am starting to get a better understanding for using Rancher and have been also to play around with installing some Apps from the Catalog like the Wordpress to test things out.

Originally, I started looking at “Magento with Docker Updated, Using Load Balancers for Scalability and Availability” (http://rancher.com/magento-with-docker-updated-using-load-balancers-for-scalability-and-availability/) but it is not really what I need and am hoping that someone could guide me better.

What I need to do is this. Let’s say that I have a domain “example.com” and I want to have running containers for “store1.example.com”, “store2.example.com”, … “storeN.example.com

The only information that I could find was something like “Virtual Host Routing for Docker using Rancher Load Balancer” (http://rancher.com/virtual-host-routing-using-rancher-load-balancer/), but that is not it either as the load balancer will be doing the job and makes it hard to add a large number of sub-domains.

So then, I had an idea. Would it be possible to use PowerDNS (from the catalog) connected to a MySQL cluster (also from the catalog) so that sub-domain names could be added to the powerdns via the database which would point to the running container for that particular store?

Would this approach work?

If not, then is there a better suggestion?

All help would be greatly appreciated.

I would presume that if you intend to have many store sub-domains, that you plan to deploy them in an automated fashion via the API? If so, then you can also add/update services in the load balancer via the API as well.


Thanks for your reply as, or course, it is currently academic, but I want to see about implementing this as part of a project as well as it helps me to better learn about Rancher and its capabilities.

Thanks again,