Project Owner cannot see the namespace he created

Using Rancher 2.5.9
Project owner created a new namespace under their Project. They see that the namespace was created (they see it right after creation) but on page refresh (or visiting the page again) the namespace is not visible to them. At the same time, the Cluster Owners can see the namespace in the Project. The user doesn’t have any other permissions set on the Cluster level. Is there anything that needs to be set on Rancher or is this the Rancher has problems connecting project and namespace when project owner is the creator?

Hi @mario_g
I had the same issue, I create a namespace with “project member” user and I cant see it in my project too, after I try to regenerate the issue randomly I create another namespace under the same project and after that I could see the older namespace that was not visible until I create a new one, I found that the latest namespace has that issue and all other namespace will work fine.
It lookalike a bug.

Thanks! Very interesting issue. I dropped doing this in the end. I wanted users to create NS for them selves but now I’m doing it for them.


Actually I test two version of the rancher 2.5.9 and 2.5.8 this issue only exist on the 2.5.9

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