- Linux 4.9.69
- Docker 17.06.2-ce LTS by default, 17.09.1-ce available
- RPi64: Linux 4.9.69
- Support running RancherOS on Aliyun [#2111]
- Enable dhcpcd logs output [#2047]
- AMI enable Elastic Network Adapter [#2160]
- Support for newer (but stable) docker engines [#2152]
- Static IP address is not setting broadcast address correctly [#1863]
- ACPI powerbtn doesn’t work [#2176]
- Create GCE specific images with correctly configured MTU [#2027]
- AWS/GCE/Aliyun instance cannot resize device normally [#2186]
- Nasty ERR msg for sudo ros service subcommands due to missing *-vm-tools [#2076, #2168]
- [os-images] Cannot enable ros service volume-netshare [#2142]