RKE2 Air-Gap install process issues

Hi there,

I’m having issues with the instructions for the rke2 air-gap instructions, do the instructions assume a lot of knowledge with rke2/k8s?

Assuming I’m deploying on a single test Rocky Linux 9 server with no internet connectivity at all:

“If running on an air-gapped node with SELinux enabled, you must manually install the necessary SELinux policy RPM before performing these steps. See our RPM Documentation to determine what you need.”
The link doesn’t doesn’t mention anything about SELinux? I assume it means you need to get the rpms mentioned a bit later from the repo in the link, which won’t work for an air-gapped system.
So from an internet connected system download the rpms for: rke2-common, rke2-selinux, the GPG key and move them to the air-gap system? Or mirrror the repo and copy it into the air-gap environment?

From there if I follow the tarball method using the default CNI then I need to download the following and move them to /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/images/:
And then it says “Install RKE2”, which links past the part about Embedded Registry Mirror, is that optional?

For the binary install it states: “Obtain the rke2 binary file rke2.linux-amd64”, which I figure is the binary available in the github rke2 releases page.
From there it states to ensure it’s executable with the “desired parameters” with one example for if you’re using the Private Registry Method, but not if you’re using the Tarball Method, and no link to any doco about what other parameters the binary will accept, running it with --help doesn’t print a lot. What do I run if I’m using the tarball method?

For the script install it says to “Download the install script” with no link, is this the script available at “https://get.rke2.io/”?
It says to download everything to a directory and gives an example using “/root/rke2-artifacts/”, does that mean I didn’t need to store things in /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/images/?

I think I’m struggling to understand the logical process so any help is appreciated.
