RS 2.0 providing NetBoot, Cloud-Init & RKE

Is it planed to provide a provisioning service from within Rancher Server 2.x?

That way it would be possible to point Bare-Metal Nodes to NetBoot from Rancher Server IP. A set-up could just be a few clicks.


I have not seen any ipxe entries in the Rancher Catalog. Having this built into Rancher 2.x, or as a catalog item would be great.

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Yes, it would be great to something like ipxe build into Rancher Server. Along with cloud-init file generation the ssh-keys could be easly managed and provided as well. After thats its boot (ROS=!) + RKE = be Bare-Metal Kubernetes with a Click :wink:

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I would love a Netboot system that worked well with Rancher, using Rancher OS and more common OSes.

Since other Bare Metal providers exist, it might be better for Rancher to partner with another provider instead of creating a new project.

I was (and still am) envisioning a docker machine driver that uses pixiecore to do pxe boot provisioning, with some form of mgmt API reboot to pxe trigger.

should be interesting to see where things go :wink:

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Pixiecore and Waitron are both interesting.