Yes, DVD2 is not needed for install it just contains source rpms. Only DVD1 is needed to install.
I think SLES 15 SP1 should have worked, likely a driver issue if you are using hardware/controller RAID.
AFAIK if using RAID you need a separate /boot partition, what is the disk layout?[/QUOTE]
Yes, got disk to load this time but I am encountering issues with the partition. SLES 11 Loaded the OS but had a boot error. I performed the automatic repair and it said the boot and the partition had errors. I looked back at the partition and it looked like Linux created Linux drives but it do not do anything to recognize the current RAID Controller for the HP Proliant ML110 G7 server. When the server boots, the RAID Controller is looking for the OS and can not find it.
There are 4 disk drives. I would like SLES to use the preconfigured logical drive that was created by the server but the OS is only seeing the 4 drives and not the RAID drive created by the RAID Controller.
When I was going through the setup it kept giving error msgs:
“No valid partitions found for the partition table of /dev/md127. If there were some partitions on the disk. you can try to restore them manually. To do that, enter the cylinder values in fdisk or the partition tool.”
I tried this out and could see partitions from previous attempts but it would not let me clear them and start over.
Issues based on System Check:
- Repairing partition table of hard disk /dev/md127
“Partition table was not repaired”
Check File System
“Installing kernel modules for file system support… Loading failed for kernel modules”
Executing file system check for partition /dev/sda1…
/dev/sda1 contains unknown file system “Error”
Executing file system check for partition /dev/sdb1…
/dev/sdb1 contains unknown file system “Error”
Executing file system check for partition /dev/sdc1
/dev/sdc1 contains unknown file system “Error”
Executing file system check for partition /dev/sdd1
/dev/sdd1 contains unknown file system “Error”
Repairing missing initrd modules… “Failed”
Repair was not successful.
Checking boot loader configuration “Error”
Repair was not successful
Checking boot loader configuration “Error”
Boot loader configuration file contains errors
Repairing boot loader “Failed”
Repair not successful
[COLOR="#FF0000"]This message appeared during the install process.[/COLOR]
- Error occurred while installing Grub
Running “embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (HD0.1)”…failed (this is not fatal)
Running “embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (HD0.1)”…failed (this is not fatal)
Running “install --force-lba --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0.1) /boot/grub/stage2 p /boot/grub/menu.lst”… failed
Error 6: Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage2
grub> quit
I tried selecting the fail safe version but it would not correct the issue.
If you could share any insight that would be great.