SLES 11 SP4 HA: how to configure basic setup manually


currently i’m trying to establish a two-node cluster. I’m reading .
There are two ways to configure the basic setup: yast and sleha-bootstrap. I’d like to configure it manually, that means editing the configuration files. I’d prefer that because then i know more what i do and also learn more.
Is there a doc or a howto for that ?




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Hi Bernd,

I’d like to configure it manually […] Is there a doc or a howto for that ?

you may want to start by looking at the Pacemaker (and its config files) documentation. And starting with the overview documentation you referenced, you may find according tutorials on the net on configuring OpenAIS.

It’s been some time I had to do our setup from scratch, but I don’t recall having ever used YaST for that :slight_smile: AFAIR, it all boils down to the stuff in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf.
