Clients of SMT server becoming not registered.

We have had multiple occasions (at least 4) where our SMT clients become “not registered” during an periodic smt-agent run. When this happens all the clients become not registered the same day. Originally I thought this was because of our subscription renewal but it just happened this past weekend with no renewal. The only difference this time is it removed everything but the web scripting module. It doesn’t matter if the registration was done with an activation code or not.

Its not too hard to deal with - just run the suse_register or SUSEConnect commands to re-register but it is a pain.

We have an SMT server (now SLES 12 SP3) with multiple clients including SLES 11 SP4 and SLES 12 SP2/SP3. This didn’t happen with the old SLES11 SMT server.

Any help would be appreciated.


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