Rancher install failed with helm

still the same

@J_McEvoy what about kubectl cluster-info?

@J_McEvoy Hi and what about kubectl get pods --all-namespaces?

@J_McEvoy if your local machine has some spare cpu and ram, I would suggest looking at running Rancher-Desktop https://rancherdesktop.io/ and using that to deploy Rancher as a test? This is what I use most of the time for testing.
Likewise the Rancher Academy courses https://www.rancher.academy/ should help a lot getting started.

screenshot coming your way:

@J_McEvoy So something up with k3s by the looks… can you switch to root user and run;

systemctl status k3s.service

Since it’s a fresh k3s install you could try running the uninstall script in /usr/local/bin then re-install via the curl command?

Just check the status of the service and status of the pods…

hello again malcolm, hope you’re well, thanks for responding to my last reply, I thought u might of gave up helping me due to your academy post before haha, here is the output of systemctl status k3s.service in root:

@J_McEvoy Nope, here for the duration :wink:

If you stop the service, wait a bit, and restart the service, does that clean it up?

systemctl stop k3s
systemctl start k3s

If above doesn’t help, maybe reboot the system?

same errors, the machine has been switched off, i turned it on to run the command u sent earlier today aba 30 min ago, I think its time to do a uninstall?

@J_McEvoy yup, stop the service and run /usr/local/bin/k3s-uninstall.sh then try a re-install with;

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION={v1.25.7+k3s1} INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--node-external-ip=<YOU_IP_ADDRESS>" sh -

Then check the service etc, I would run all as root user rather than sudo in case something in there maybe causing an issue…

how does this look:

@J_McEvoy that looks much better :smile: Check with kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Ok, so now as your user copy the yaml file over and change permissions to your user and group, then export it. Once thats done, install the cert-manager and check it’s deployed and running etc.

@J_McEvoy looks good now! Onward with cert-manager install and check that output again…

and i get this error:

@J_McEvoy did you export the k3s.yaml file? Can you edit this file and change the server: entry to your node ip address, then export the config again, then run the cert-manager install. That’s my bad, forgot that step, apologies.

ran the install still the same, also changed the ip and exported it, anyway see screenshot:

for an idea on what commands i ran

@J_McEvoy and the two k3s.yaml files are the same content aside from your user one having the different ip address? AFAIK since your on the same system it should use the loopback address, can you change it back.

Your export command should be export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.kube/k3s.yaml since that’s where the file is located.

I know i’m getting a pain but: