SBC Functionality

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know of a solid install for Rancher to manage a MicroK8s v1.28.7 revision 6565 Cluster. It would be very nice to try Rancher but Rancher is not co-operating. I have yet to get it installed and working with my SBC Microk8s Cluster.

The following is how I installed it on Ubuntu Server 20.04.6 VM on Proxmox 8.1.4

curl -sfL | INSTALL_RANCHERD_VERSION="v2.5.8" sh -

I am using the 2.5.8 arm64 agent by the way → rancher/rancher-agent:v2.5.8-linux-arm64

The following were the instructions I followed:

1 - Create the VM use Ubuntu Server for this. 2 gb, 1 Core, 30 gb Storage
2 - ssh user@srv_ip
3 - sudo -i
4 - apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
5 - mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2
6 - cd /etc/rancher/rke2
7 - nano -c config.yaml
token: secret_goes_here
  - this_server_ip_here
8 - ctrl-x, y, <enter>
9 - curl -sfL | sh - or 
### curl -sfL | INSTALL_RANCHERD_VERSION="v2.5.8" sh - ###
10 - rancherd --help
11 - systemctl enable rancherd-server.service
12 - systemctl start rancherd-server.service
13 - journalctl -eu rancherd-server -f

### Wait 5 mnutes then run the following ###
14 - rancherd reset-admin

Thank you in advance for your help,