Rancher Release - v0.43.1

Release v0.43.1


New Features

  • Rancher Template Catalog [#1272] - Rancher is now releasing an initial version of our public template catalog that contains well known applications like ELK and Jenkins (with more to come) written using Docker Compose yml and leverages Rancher’s service discovery, metadata service, sidekicks, and variable interpolation feature. It also comes with initial support for handling template versioning and upgrading when Stacks are created from these templates.
  • In Service Upgrade [#1874, #2277] - Rancher now supports the ability to allow updating an existing service (i.e. image) with options for batch-size (number of containers to bring up/down with each iteration) and the option to either stop existing containers before creating new ones for the updated services or vice-versa.
  • __ Create Service Sidekicks via UI__ - Rancher now allows the creation of Service with Sidekicks via the UI. Previously, it was only supported via rancher-compose CLI.

Known Major Issues

  • In Service Upgrade does not work with services that contain sidekicks [#2454, #2453, #2451]
  • Service links are still missing when Docker yml are uploaded via the UI/API. This is only an UI issue now [#2394]

Major Bug Fixes since v0.42.0

  • Fixed an issue where processing “$$foo” in docker YML would finally result in the literal string “$$foo” rather than partially used for variable interpolation [#2334]

  • Fixed an issue where the health state of the service was shown as healthy in the UI even if the health checks were misconfigured [#2346]

  • Fixed an issue where a container within a service does not get properly “rejoined” if the container was restored after being deleted [#2338]

  • Added a “scale” field per service in metadata [#2337]

  • Updated docker-py version to 1.5.0 that is being used in rancher agents to fix various issues with Docker communication [#2313, #2283]

  • Fixed an issue where the scale limit was set to 11 [#2251]

  • Fixed an issue where the admin tab where expanding individual processes do not remain open [#2242]

  • Fixed an issue where circular links across services are not properly being generated [#1851]

  • Added additional secure SSL defaults to the HAProxy instance used by the LB Service [#2286]

  • rancher-compose: Fixed an issue where “=” was not correctly being processed when interpolating variables [#2357]

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