
Installing SLES 11 sp 3 as a VM on esxi 5.x server. During the install I received an error that the zisofs-tools is broken-failed integrity test. I didn’t have another iso to try so I skipped the install of zisofs-tools. Can anyone tell me what the ramifications of not having these tools will do? I am using the server as a test LAMP server. It is not a production server.

If they are needed, is there a way that I can install them separately?


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[QUOTE=jmcg;36702]Installing SLES 11 sp 3 as a VM on esxi 5.x server. During the install I received an error that the zisofs-tools is broken-failed integrity test. I didn’t have another iso to try so I skipped the install of zisofs-tools. Can anyone tell me what the ramifications of not having these tools will do? I am using the server as a test LAMP server. It is not a production server.

If they are needed, is there a way that I can install them separately?[/QUOTE]

Here’s what I see on my SLES11 SP4 system:

[CODE][COLOR="#FF0000"]server:~ #[/COLOR] zypper info zisofs-tools
Refreshing service ‘nu_novell_com’.
Retrieving repository ‘PK_TMP_DIR’ metadata [done]
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

Information for package zisofs-tools:

Repository: SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1 11.1.1-1.152
Name: zisofs-tools
Version: 1.0.6-138.22
Arch: x86_64
Vendor: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
Support Level: Level 3
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 53.0 KiB
Summary: User tools for zisofs
Zisofs-tools, in conjunction with a zisofs-enabled system, allows the creation of an iso9660 filesystem that can be decompressed “live” on a file-by-file basis, while still being readable by systems without zisofs support. This package contains the tools necessary to create such a filesystem and read compressed files on a system without zisofs support.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]server:~ #[/COLOR]

If you need to open a Service Request with SUSE, this is what the Support Level Definitions states:

[QUOTE]Level 3
Problem resolution, which means to resolve complex problems identified by Level 2 Support. Resolution means closure of the issue giving rise to the service request, and may include configuration changes, implementation of a workaround, or creation of a software modification that when installed cures an Error. Resolution is not possible in all circumstances.[/QUOTE]

If you really want/need the functionality provided by zisofs-tools, here’s what you can try:
[]Make sure your SLES system is properly registered and you have access to the all the appropriate repositories.
]Use YaST - Software Management to install zisofs-tools.

On 27/02/17 17:54, KBOYLE wrote:

Here’s what I see on my SLES11 SP4 system:


server:~ # zypper info zisofs-tools

Refreshing service ‘nu_novell_com’.
Retrieving repository ‘PK_TMP_DIR’ metadata [done]
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

Information for package zisofs-tools:

Repository: SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1 11.1.1-1.152[/color]

@Kevin, if your server is SLES11 SP4 why is it checking the SP1 repo for
zisofs-tools … ?


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On 22/02/17 19:44, jmcg wrote:

Installing SLES 11 sp 3 as a VM on esxi 5.x server. During the install
I received an error that the zisofs-tools is broken-failed integrity
test. I didn’t have another iso to try so I skipped the install of
zisofs-tools. Can anyone tell me what the ramifications of not having
these tools will do? I am using the server as a test LAMP server. It
is not a production server.

If they are needed, is there a way that I can install them separately?[/color]

If the package is required (which you can check with “rpm -q
–whatrequires zisofs-tools”) then the install should not have completed.

Did you install from physical media or a virtual drive using the ISO? I
would be inclined to check whichever it was to see if there’s a problem


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zisofs-tools hasn’t been updated in years. The same version is available in repositories for SLES11/SP1/SP2/SP3/SP4.

Repository: SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1 11.1.1-1.152

My interpretation of the above is that zisofs-tools was installed from the SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1 repository. Since it hasn’t changed, there was no reason to update it from a newer repository.